Reaching the lost
Reaching the lost people of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe with the life-changing and soul-saving message of Jesus Christ.
Outreach & church planting
Millions of people living in the remote villages and rural areas of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe do not know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They are without hope, lost, and dying.
Every year, our Finish Line pastors and church planters carry the message of Jesus Christ to locations in southeast Africa with a limited Gospel presence. Over the years, we have been blessed to see thousands of people have come to faith in Jesus Christ.
From there, our pastors and church planters work diligently to plant a new Finish Line church. It takes time and requires commitment, but after a season of shepherding and discipleship, a small group of new believers becomes a larger group of maturing believers. Before long, and by the grace of God, a new Finish Line church is planted in a remote village that was previously void of the Gospel.
To date, more than 130,000 people have come to faith in Jesus Christ, and more than 300 Finish Line churches have been planted throughout Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.
Launched in 2009, Finish Line's Impact Africa program allows American men and women to share the message of Jesus Christ in southeast Africa. Mission teams travel to Malawi and work alongside our experienced staff to personally share Jesus' love, preach the Gospel, and assist in Finish Line's outreach and church planting efforts in remote villages and rural areas.
To date, more than 140 people from the United States have been to Malawi on Impact Africa Mission Teams. God has used these amazing men and women to help strengthen our Finish Line churches and reach thousands of people with the Gospel.
Operation Kindness
Life is tremendously hard for families living in the remote villages and rural areas of southeast Africa. Most live hand to mouth with only one set of thread-bare clothes to their name.
In 2021, we launched Finish Line's Operation Kindness Clothing Distribution program to meet the felt needs of men, women, and children in need. Since then, we have collected and distributed 26,000 pounds of gently used clothes to people who need it most.
In 2023 and 2024, Finish Line will partner with churches in the United States to collect and send 52,000 pounds of clothes to southeast Africa. As they have done in the past, our African leadership team will demonstrate God's love by distributing all donated clothing to people in need. In doing so, they will encourage Finish Line's African church family and point people to faith in Jesus Christ.